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In our artisanal bakery we make an endless scale of delicious sweets made with fresh and natural ingredients carefully chosen.
We use every type of flour selected from our trusted miller: corn flour , chestnut, rice, emmer wheat, unrefined, wheat flour, stone-ground.
We personally produce our jams, of blackberries, of elderberry, strawberries, figs, quinces, green tomatoes…and we use honey of local beekeepers.
We ensure that the eggs are always fresh.
We find, milk, cream, butter and ricotta directly from producers of our valleys, to this we only add yeast, sugar and a pinch of creativity to give you the best in goodness and freshness.
So we are rewarded by the incredible taste of our sweets, healthy and genuine just like the ones made by our grand-mothers.
Every day our bakery brings out with love and dedication a large section of treats for you.
Plus the kindness and the professionalism of our bankers have been appreciated by customers always more demanding.
The thing that ………our bakery is the quality of his goods, made with first-rate ingredients, cured to the last detail and unique, from the fruit pies, to the traditional cakes, to the tipical tuscany’s products, including our salty bakery that you can taste in the one and only “Forno Schiaccieria Camaldoli”, here the art is passed down through the generations since 1890 with the grand-grand-parents Danilo and Ernesta.
We wait for you with all our little goodnesses that need just to be tasted!

Biscotti: “Le nostre dolcezze di Camaldoli”